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Getting Started with R (and Why You Might Want To)
Ever wonder if tackling R is a good idea?

It has a lot of advantages, but a few challenges as well.

A long-time SAS and SPSS user, instructor Kim Love took up R a few years ago, and has since run with it.

In this webinar, Kim will lay it all out for you: the good, the bad, and the useful resources of R.

Covered in this webinar: 

What is the R Project, CRAN, and RStudio. Where did it all come from and why is it set up the way it is?
An overview of the most popular R interfaces--R Studio--and some of its helpful features.
How to download packages and load them in their sessions.
How to update R and RStudio on a regular basis
An introduction to a point-and-click interface that writes the code for you.  This is a great way to get started or to pick up R after a hiatus: R commander.
By the end, you'll have a good idea of whether--and how--to get started with R.
About the Instructor
Kim's expertise includes regression and linear models, categorical data, generalized linear models, mixed effects models, nonlinear models, repeated measures, and experimental design. She has worked as a statistical consultant and collaborator in multiple professional roles, most recently as the associate director of the University of Georgia Statistical Consulting Center.